Long time no see, grasshoppers! I missed you!
Has anyone seen the movie Coraline? I watched it last week, and I found the animation absolutely breathtaking. The first half of the movie was completely amazing, and although I think the story became a bit forced or rushed or something in the second half, I still loved it. Go watch!
I should also mention that Coraline's style sensibilities were excellent.
See? Girl was rocking a police hat so well it made me want to do the same. In fact, Daria wore a similar cap in March's Vogue Paris. Coraline also shone in a star print sweater that reminded me of Spring '08 Chanel, and I really loved her blue bob, which reminded me a bit of this street style snap of Katie Schillingford. Well done, Little C!
Also, I made this collage for personal inspiration maybe a week ago, but I think it's worth sharing:

Yep, I'm liking creepers lately. They are so, so hideous. I'm not sure why I like them. Yikes.
Because the collage wasn't originally gonna be posted up here, I didn't save the sources. Sorry, folks. But I do remember taking photos from Style Bubble, Style.com, Nylon, and Lookbook.nu. The shoes on the bottom left are definitely Dior, and I definitely love them. I believe the top right is Nathan Jenden. The multiple ways these shoes can be styled is baffling, no? As is my terrible taste, because man these are ugly.
Thank you for this, you are so sweet!
I plan on watching Coraline next weekend with a certain boy, but apparently it's not going to be 3D anymore because of the Jonas Brothers movie? Seriously, who wants to see the Jonas Brothers in 3D? Grr...
I saw Coraline. Good animation; I especially loved the mice's little number. The 3d was pointless and made little sense. The movie wasn't designed for it really. The only good thing about it was the depth it added. And yeah, the story could have been stronger. ("You'll never find them, but I'll show you exactly where they are.") Though I think it was weak from the moment the movie started with Coraline's melodramatic running. But I loved her rainboots and coat the best!
i love your collage!
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punky - You're so welcome! You're very well-represented in that issue, given that your swap had an article too. Congrats!
Noel- That sucks. But I hope things went well with the boy!
Ivy Frozen - I do agree, but the animation was really very nice. And yes, the raincoat/boots combo was classic.
Anonymous- Thank you!
lole- Ok.
I want a royal blue bob. :(
Nice to meet you!!!
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