Sunday, April 25, 2010


I stayed up late tonight because I was absorbed in the movie "Cracks." I found it engrossing - though highly disturbing - but the best part was that it was visually stunning. I would watch it just for the fashion alone. I thought I'd share some of my favorite screen caps because I'm too tired to write out an ode to the costume designer, even though she/he deserves it.




Oh, to be in the '30s with hair as perfectly styled as Eva Green's!


Lily said...

second set of images is my favorite.

Vanessa said...

oooh i gotta watch this movie!

nice blog! :)
following now!

Janice said...

Nice dresses try this bag also fake handbag. I bought some of my handbags on the web.

original seed said...

such a good film,i want to be a costume designer and this film had me going crazy!!!!

ive just got my hair like one of the characters in it!