Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is Ignorance Bliss?

I suppose this isn't the kind of thing I really need to tell people, but I'd like to give a friendly reminder that negative comments are discouraged. I mostly don't delete them, but they detract from the positive atmosphere I try to promote here. You don't have to read my blog. If it bothers you, then don't waste your time with it.

This friendly reminder is thanks to a recent anonymous commenter who made me laugh yesterday. Apparently an old post on Karl Lagerfeld's style offended them, since they wrote, "You are such a retard, you wouldent know Karls style if it bit you on the ass!and if you think $150 is un-affordable, you have no place in fashion! "

They say that ignorance is bliss, but if that was true, I think the commenter would have sounded a bit happier, no?

Thanks to the many positive commenters who constantly make my day. You are appreciated!


WendyB said...

That's some impressive "spelling"!

Anonymous said...

That's a very fancy way of punctuating things isn't it..?

K. said...

amen :) your blog is great!

Smaggle said...

Ha ha! Comments like that are hilarious. Especially if you're post wasn't challenging at all. I once had someone comment on a post I did on ballet style and wrote 'THIS HAS NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH BALLET!!!! I'M SO ANGRY!!!'
It had me laughing for weeks...

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Oooh, commenters...

Anonymous said...

Some people think that if they are anonymous they can just be evil... your blog is great!