Sites like Exclusively.In are the ones that make me want to marry rich. It may be an members-only deals site with what seems to be the exactly design of Gilt Group, but it's definitely on the pricey side. Not that I resent this at all; the intricate imported clothing, jewelry, and accessories look like they should be expensive. How else could this kind of workmanship exist? I say this having no idea what the workmanship actually is, given that I cannot afford to check this out for you, but it seems like it would be excellent, doesn't it? Everything's so gorgeous!
No, I don't resent the prices of Exclusively.In at all. Not when a scroll through the site makes me coo over everything, sit back happily, and consider an excursion to New Delhi or the textiles section at the MFA. I'm guessing a trip to the MFA is more likely in my immediate future, but you never know. A girl can dream...
Monday, November 1, 2010
Exclusively In
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12:52 PM
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So I'd leave this comment on the pixie page, but you've got enough of those already. Not only am I getting a pixie tomorrow afternoon (after five years of wanting one but never having the courage), I am getting that coveted cut.
But at the same time, flipping through the rest of the blog, I've also fallen head over heels with it (Getting ankle boots as well . . sort of a big deal for someone whose idea of fashion is generic flats). Consider this place bookmarked!
aboutthatlena - That's wonderful! Please do let me know how it comes out! And thanks so much for your kind words!
I know exactly how you feel--sometimes I wish I were loaded simply to enjoy all the exquisite, one of a kind, couture clothes! The craftsmanship makes the price worth it, although I certainly don't have that kind of dough...anyway, I love the MFA textile room! Have you seen the Arnold Scaasi couture exhibit?? How cool to meet a fellow boston fashion blogger! I'm a new follower :)
Dahl - I haven't seen the Arnold Scaasi exhibit, not have I been to the textile room for a long time, but I am definitely planning a visit soon. I got a behind-the-scenes peek at the couture they were storing there once, and it was pretty magical. It's fun for me to meet another Boston fashion blogger as well! Do you know about the Facebook group for Boston Fashion Bloggers? We have some fun events - you should join! Then maybe I wouldn't be the only one there who isn't an adult!
I agree, time and place for beautiful jewelry. Its a pity to see fake jewelry becoming more popular and a loss of respect for the original.
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I really enjoyed the blog. It is always nice when you read something that is not only informative but entertaining. Gr8.
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aside from the price tag i love the items there. a
2020.06.16付費平台「酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容Swag」充斥素人自導自演的性愛影片,片中的直播主全程無碼演出,時我在酒店上班的日子內容尺度更堪比日本A片,只要粉絲願意付費,就可直接下載觀賞。就有網友納悶不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因,SWAG上的台女作風大膽,連露臉也沒在怕,比起私下酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?接S的酒店小姐,毫不遮掩,「難道swagger有比酒店妹好賺嗎?」「寧可做swagger不去做酒店是什麼心態?酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金」有網友在PTT八卦板發問,「聽說職場須知 【酒店PT 】酒店妹月收12萬起跳,差不多是一般小公司副總等級了。最近很流行拍動作片放上swag給人家看,都被看光了,臉也露了,難道swagger有比酒店妹好賺嗎?同樣都是S,酒店妹至少隱密性高,不用動腦剪片想梗,swagger為什麼之前都不做酒店?」其他網友留言「喝酒傷身啊,上床不會怎樣吧,而且應該是跟她的熟人」、「工時長,還要一直吃肝藥vs藝術工作」、「swagger可以不用陪噁男啊」、「因為素質太差,連酒店都不收」、「拍片自己可以爽,酒店只能一直喝傷身」、「Swagger很多都修圖的」、「只有AV淪落去風俗的,風俗到AV是人生升級」。不少老司機點出差異,直言「跟男友/炮友上床還有錢賺,屌打酒店賣笑」、「酒店你要給醜肥宅摸,Swagger的對象可以自己選,喝太多酒也傷身體,而且日夜生活顛倒」、「一個上夜班,一個隨你喜好上班,當然後者」、「Swagger月薪不只12萬...遠超過」、「那些人出價約一次就是酒店一個月薪水了」。
酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?一般為一星期為一個結算薪水的單位,班別以(週報班)可以上3~5天班 當然天數越多 節數錢越多 收入也跟著水漲船高。
酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?尤其特別族群大學生/上班族選擇酒店兼職酒店兼差,可依照白天課業或工作因素來配合晚間的班別! (1週上1天班 也可以的)
我在酒店上班的日子營業時間下午3點~早上6點 這期間上滿6~7個鐘頭 看各家店規定不一 時段都可自選。
下午:3點班、4點班、5點班、6點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
晚間:7點班、8點班、9點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
--Part-Time--無門檻, 無條件, 無天數 想賺現金的朋友,請把握時限。
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