Friday, December 21, 2007

Hasta Luego, Mis Amores!

Costa Rica tomorrow! I've been packing furiously all afternoon, and I thought I'd share what I'm bringing with me on the plane in my trusty studded Amici tote (center.)

Clockwise from top left:

Cake satin sugar hair and body refreshing powder for darker hues: I am determined to leave the plane without limp, greasy travel hair. This should do the trick! Plus, it smells sweet and amazing.

Smith's Rosebud Salve: For chapped lips, flyaways, and dry winter skin.

LG Chocolate Phone: This was a birthday gift, and I plan to use it to listen to music on the plane, since I don't own an Ipod.

Missbehave Magazine: I've been dying to read this magazine, so I picked up a copy to flip through during my flight. I'll let you know what I think!

Sunglasses: Specifically, JLo brand ones (I know, I know) with rhinestone hearts on the side. I'll need them when I step off the plane into the hot sun!

Orbit Gum: I always carry gum on planes to avoid icky ear-popping. Always.

A Girl Like Moi: The Fashion-forward Adventures of Imogene by Lisa Barham: My fashion obsession often extends to my reading material.

Well, that's pretty much it! I think I'm pretty well prepared. What do you always bring on planes?

Judging by the fact that electricity is spotty where I'm going, I doubt I'll have internet access. So I guess this is goodbye for the week. If you get bored, feel free to look through my archives or read the wonderful blogs that grace my blogroll. Also, I would suggest browsing through one of my latest finds, The Cherry Blossom Girl. It's written in French, but I find the pictures beautiful and inspiring. Plus, Babel Fish always helps me get the gist of it.

Bye everyone! Or should I say (as they no doubt say where I'm going), adios!


s.i. michaels said...

Have fun! I envy you given the weather we're experiencing. And your bathing suit is too cute!

In Yr Fshn said...

Have a great time! I'm also an ardent fan of the rosebud lip stuff :)