The other day, I recieved this comment from a reader:
"i noticed u were interested in amanda bynes new clothing line called dear. If you want to learn more about her clothing go to this site: and sign up for the dear lounge and you can see some of her new line and get info other people cant! a code should be entered in the secret code box already so that you can get in (it won't work without that code so leave it in that box!) hope you like it! Feel free to share it with ur friends! "
So I went to the website and signed up for the Dear Lounge. At first, I was kind of disappointed, because it seemed like the only exlusive things in the Lounge were myspace skins and that kind of thing, but then I noticed a note from Amanda that said, "Remember to keep an eye out in the mail for your bag of free dear goodies and check back here for more updates on the collection soon!"
Ooooh. Free goodies, you say? Suh-weeet.
I thought some of you might want to sign up for your own free goodies. Hence this post.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Free Dear Goodies!
Posted by
7:50 PM
Labels: dear by amanda, free stuff
Can you believe this is what fashion magazines looked like in the 1800s? Things have changed. Bigtime. (I realize I'm stating the obvious...)
Posted by
4:26 PM
Labels: fashion magazines
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Urban Outfitters: Bargainous?
One of the pictures from the previous post renewed my desire for metallic jazz shoes (Yes, I did stop wanting them for a bit). I guess the boy in the photo wasn't wearing jazz shoes exactly, but I wouldn't even know where to start looking for a cheaper version of his Louis Vuitton kicks. Although I do want them immensely, even though they are men's shoes with a slightly odd look. My search for the perfect metallic jazz shoe started at Urban Outfitters, because I remembered they had two different types, one cheap, one expensive. A friend of mine tried on the cheap pair a while ago and informed me that they were uncomfortable, but I decided it might be a good time to try to convince myself the more expensive pair was worth the money. Well, imagine my surprise when I found that the shoes had been reduced from their sale price of $88 to $20! Score! Of course, I am currently riddled with doubt as to why these shoes are so reduced (do they pinch or something?), but they are a pretty good brand and I want them. I'll spend all night changing my mind and then finally make a decision tomorrow, I suppose. And then I need to find a fedora and black skinny pants, which is something I've been meaning to do for ages anyway. I don't want to copy the boy's look exactly, but I do covet everything he's wearing.
Because I'm in a good mood, I think I'll share some of the cheap, cute things I found at Urban tonight.

Also, just so you know, you can get 15% off your purchase at Lulu's Fashion Lounge with the coupon code "fashionyblog." They've got some great bargains too!
Posted by
11:43 PM
Labels: jazz shoes, metallic, urban outfitters
Teen Vogue = Pretty / Inspirational
I've been surfing random places on the internet recently, and I've found out some nice things, like the fact that Paolo Nutini should be my new lover. Also, I've found the style archives, staff polaroids, and intern blog at Teen Vogue. Let me just say that how the Teen Vogue staff get anything done is beyond me. I would be too distracted by everyone's glorious outfits. (Teen Vogue, if you're reading this, I'm not serious. I would work well! Hire me!) Anyway, I really enjoyed looking through some of the older editorials. There's some great stuff! Very inspirational. The styling is beautful.
I never would've thought that a visor could look good with...well...anything, but I love this bejeweled one paired with a flowy, romantic dress.
I love her outfit, but it's not really something I'd ever have the opportunity to wear. But his outfit is perfection. I would definitely rock it. On a side note, I had a dream the other night, before I even saw this photo, and this guy was in it. Odd, right? Not that I'm complaining...
I'm loving the flower pin a la Carrie Bradshaw. To be honest, I wasn't a huge fan of Carrie's flower phase, although her outfits were always fantastic, but I think the casual pastels here work so well with the matching flower.
Posted by
9:51 AM
Labels: editorials, teen vogue
Friday, July 27, 2007
Etsy Headband Fun
I wouldn't call myself a "hat person," but I definitely have a few basic hats to add an extra punch to my outfits or hide a bad hair day. When it comes to head wear, most of the time I prefer tying a scarf doo rag-style around my head (Sometimes you just want to feel like a pirate), or wearing some sort of beautiful headband. Still, browsing Etsy always involves some serious ooh-ing and aaah-ing over glorious hat creations. I admire their veils, their shapes, their jewels, but I would never buy one. I'm not one for oppulent or complex hats. Oppulent or complex headbands, on the other hand, are another story. Check out these beauties! They kinda remind me of the beautiful Beth Beverly combs featured over at Style Bytes. Only cheaper. And not combs. But now I'm just rambling, and I'm sure all you wonderful people are waiting to see the goods. I'll stop rambling, I think. Although once I get into it, it's kinda addictive...
Shut up, Kori!
Okay, now here are my headband finds. For real this time.
Posted by
3:42 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Abaete for Payless Fall Collection
Abaete's fall collection for Payless has finally arrived, and its...tacky. Again. I don't understand why Laura Poretzky just can't seem to get her Payless line right. It's truly a disappointment. I suppose that the shoes are, in fact, more interesting than the usual Payless shoes, and a few of them are actually quite attractive. Yet the patent leather and lucite and metallic combination just isn't doing much for me. Too many trends on a little shoe.
Alright, so I'm not too impressed with Abaete for Payless. Let's hope that Lela Rose and Patricia Field's lines will be much better. I definitely trust Patricia to do a good job (Have you seen Sex & the City and The Devil Wears Prada? The woman's a genius!), but I don't know very much about Lela Rose. As for Abaete, well, let's just say I've given up.
Posted by
1:56 PM
Labels: abaete, design for all, Payless
Kurt Cobain Would Be Proud
Picture courtesy of LJ's Next Top Model
I know most people are dreading the return of '90s styles, but I think I'd like to try out a slightly updated grunge look for one of my many fall/winter looks (C'mon...did no one else notice how Bender's outfit in The Breakfast Club was the epitome of cool?). I want to take the grunge staples of plaid flannel and Doc Martens/workboots and make them a bit more feminine. Sounds cozy, no?
Plaid shirtdress, $39.50 Alloy
Boots (black), $29.99 Target
Feel like listening to Nirvana yet?
Posted by
12:46 AM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I would like to take a moment to scream "Hallelujah!" and jump up and down with excitement. Why, you ask? Well, the ASOS sale is fantastic! Lots of pretty things at amazingly low prices. It's impossible not to find some things that you absolutely must have (might I reccomend these shoes?). For me, one of those things that I suddenly desire is the above dress. I don't understand this. I've never been into the whole skull craze...In fact, I usually wouldn't be caught dead in any sort of skull-boasting ensemble. So why do I like this dress? I suppose it has a girly-tough Luella Bartley kind of cool going for it, but I can't help but feel that buying it would be a major fashion mistake. And could I even pull it off?
Oh no. I'm already picturing it with black leggings and my bright green, pink-laced Chuck Taylor high tops. The situation is more dire than I thought.
Posted by
10:50 AM
Labels: to buy or not to buy
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Slip Envy
I always eye this flapper-style slip at Urban Outfitters (online), but I've never been able to convince myself it will actually be flattering.
Well, I stand convinced. The way she styled it is quite beautiful.
Slip envy!
Posted by
10:55 PM
Getting the Look: Free People
A few days ago, I mentioned how in love I am with the newest Free People catalogue. Since then, I haven't been able to stop plotting my fall/winter wardrobe. I think Free People has the right idea for cold days- lots of warm, comfy layers with a wonderful Boho vibe. I want to try and recreate the look for winter, so I looked around for some cheaper things that I can pair with dresses to get the look.
Posted by
11:19 AM
Labels: fall, free people, winter
Saturday, July 21, 2007
No Spoilers, I Promise
Sorry it's been a bit since my last post. I am now officially a girl who has finished the Harry Potter series. I feel changed. It's the end of an era, the end of a series that had a HUGE effect on our (or at least my) generation. I'm sad that it's over, to tell you the truth. I grew up with the characters, and while I've never been obsessed with the books the way a lot of people are (I suspect this is because I read waaay more than the average person and have found a lot of books that I love), we've had a great run with Harry Potter, and I will definitely be re-reading the series every now and then when I need some magic in my life.
It is now time for me to obsessively wait for the next book in the Twilight series to come out. Eclipse (by Stephenie Meyer) is due out August 7th, and I can't wait! If you haven't read Twilight, I strongly recommend picking up a copy. You'll be hooked instantly, even if you aren't really in the age range for "teen" books. Also, don't let the whole vampire storyline put you off...I didn't think I liked vampire books, but this one is totally different. Romance, danger, adventure, and carefully placed bits of humor...there's really nothing to dislike about it. Read, and then we can discuss!
I am such a nerd. Indulge me, please.
Posted by
11:18 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Forever 21 Does It Again (and Again)
Delias-------------------------------------------- Forever 21
Alloy------------------------------------------ Forever 21
Posted by
10:29 PM
Labels: forever 21
I Occasionally Post About Beauty
In other words, I strongly reccomend picking up a tube of this next time you're at Bath & Body Works.
While you're there, I'd reccomend the Burt's Bees Citrus Scrub, which I like to use twice a week, as well as the Beeswax Lipbalm, which I've pretty much sworn by since I was 12 years old. It's all tingly and minty and delicious!
Posted by
9:24 PM
Labels: beauty, burts bees
Posted by
10:36 AM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Knee Sock Dreams
This girl has convinced me that I need a similar pair of grey socks for this fall, to be worn with a black sweaterdress and flats. These will do nicely for cold days, I think, and these will be comfortable on the warmer ones.
The Free People catalogue (which includes about 500 items I adore above all else but could never afford) has convinced me of my need for these exact socks, as well as the fact that they must be worn over simillar tights with my motorcycle boots. Ideally I'd wear 'em with flat granny or combat boots, but if I'm going to be buying $24 socks on a regular basis, new boots are out of the cards.
The adorableness of this Free People picture wasn't lost on me either. Don't the socks and moccasins look cute/cozy? Free People is tempting me for sure, especially with this gloriously beautiful rustic wool coat.
Apparently knee/above-knee socks are on the menu for me this fall. I'm really feeling the fall clothes this year. I'm sick of summer...bring on the colder weather!
Posted by
2:08 AM
Labels: fall, knee socks, socks
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I've been keeping something from you.
I have recently joined the ranks of Girls with Bangs.
I realize that my profile picture makes it look like I have bangs, but that was actually just a shot of my overgrown pixie flopping onto my face when I sorely needed a haircut. In reality, I haven't had bangs since I was 9. Until now. I cut them myself when I was feeling bored/sick of my hair, holding the scissors vertically like the mags always tell you to, and I have to say that I'm pleased. I can style my 'do sleek or messy, and it's totally easy. Yay bangs! (Or fringe, as you Brits like to say). Now I can wait for the rest of my hair to grow out with some sort of contentment.
Posted by
7:11 PM
Labels: hair
Monday, July 16, 2007
Betsey Johnson at Marshall's
Marshall's is my lover. Today as I shopped my local Marshalls, I stumbled across Betsey Johnson shoes (They looked similar to the above shoes, only taller) for - wait for it - $50. I immediately strapped them on and wobbled around the store, trying to convince myself that I could walk in them. But when several people smirked/laughed at my antics, I had to admit that the spindly, mile-high stillettos were a deliberate attempt to maim me. The beauty of the shoes mocked me as I placed them back into the box, lovingly smoothing the tissue paper arround them.
Oh well.
Posted by
8:58 PM
Labels: betsey johnson, marshall's, shoes
Etsy Joy
I was browsing Etsy tonight when I stumbled upon the most beautiful shop. I stared. I gasped. I oohed and aahed. And then, like the true blog nerd that I am, I rushed over here to write about my find. Louise Black Designs boasts a variety of gorgeous dresses, tops, corsets, wrist and arm cuffs, necklaces, etc. All are exquisitly detailed and ultra-femanine, with a decidedly Victorian slant. I'm in love. The prices are far above what I can afford, but just browsing the shop is a visual feast for the eyes. What do you think...Should my next Etsy interview be with Louise Black? I'm thinking that might be a good idea. Surely someone who creats such beauty will make for an interesting interview.
Posted by
2:23 AM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Libertine for Target Dresses
Cute dress? Yes. But for $39.99, you could buy several vintage slips and get the same look.
This one has its own kind of charm, but it looks a bit too much like a nightshirt for me to shell out $29.99 for it. Hmm...Libertine seems to have a thing for sleepwear.
I kind of like this, I guess, but I'll bet it was in the hight of fashion when the Pilgrims crossed over on the Mayflower.
All this and more at Target.
It's not that I hate the collection. It's pretty much a mixed bag for me. But I think the dresses were a little "off." I so wanted to love LfT, because the Libertine team sounded so down-to-Earth, fun, and cool in their Fashionista interview. But oh well. I'll just have to wait for Alice Temperly to get my Go: International fix, because those preview photos are lookin' mighty good.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Labels: design for all, libertine, target
Saturday, July 14, 2007
A Stylish Youngster
I love wardrobe_remix. I spend far too much time peering excitedly at all the photographs and bouncing up and down in joy and envy every time I see an outfit I adore. And here's a confession: I save my many favorite photos to my computer and look at them every so often for inspiration. Other than the creative outfits, I love how friendly people are, how positive, how open, how willing to break the mold. And I love that there is a little girl named Djuna posting to the group.
I feel a little funny writing about a kid I don't know (Is it slightly creepy/invasive of privacy?), but I think it will be ok. Her outfits are always creative, and I wouldn't really know, but I think she comes up with a lot of them herself. Even if she doesn't, I still am in love with the fact that she is dressed so fashionably. Her mother, who owns the flickr account, said, "Djuna likes to participate in [wardobe_remix]. As she says 'MOM, YOU KNOW fashion is very important to me!!' with exasperation no less." Is that not the cutest thing you ever heard?!!! Make way for the next generation of fashionistas!
She kind of reminds me of myself when I was little, because I was obsessed with putting together crazy outfits. Only mine were less cool. For example, I remember my favorite outfit for a while was a poofy magenta dress with black polka-dots, white tights, black mary-janes, and a magenta felt bowler hat with a black bow.
But enough about me.
This post is meant to applaud her!
Go Djuna!
Posted by
9:38 AM
Labels: wardrobe remix