Glasses are pretty amazing, if you think about it. First of all, they can make half-blind people (I sadly include myself in this category) see. How cool is that?! We take it for granted most of the time, but it is a pretty fantastic thing. Also, as you can see in the above picture, they can transform a person's face, thus changing how the person is perceived.
Which just goes to show that when you buy glasses, you better be pretty damn sure that they look good on you and send the message you want to send. Remember; many glasses-wearers take their specs off only to sleep. If you are one of these people, keep in mind that the glasses will be a semi-permanent part of your appearance - which means you better like them. They can be hugely expensive, once you add on the cost of the lenses, so it's not like you can trade your pair in for a new one on a whim; unless you're really rich, it's best to buy a pair that you know you will still love years from now.
Yep, it's difficult to buy glasses. It can be hugely overwhelming to stare at racks upon racks of frames, wondering which of the hundreds of pairs will be your miracle pair. Where do you start? What should you try on? How much should you spend?
Not to fear, dearies. I've got your back.
Let's start by discussing my glasses.

Above you will see my glasses in all their glory. The pictures have been hanging around on my computer for ages, hence the intact pixie cut that is no longer. Please note that the scarf-and-hat combo on the left was a joke. No, I did not actually think it looked good.
Anyway, I love my glasses. They are a source of constant compliments, and even though I've been wearing them for years, I'm still not sick of them.
Let's talk about why they work for me:
♥ They flatter my face. I have such a small face and such pale skin that the biggest issue in glasses-hunting was making sure that the frames didn't overpower me. I originally wanted chunky black frames, but some experimenting showed that black was too dark for the skin, and thick frames covered too much of my face. Brown was a much more flattering color for me than black. As for the shape of the glasses. . . well, I'm not going to lie and say that I know exactly why it's flattering for me. All I know is that the relatively small size of the frames helped keep my face the focus, not my glasses.
♥ They are unique. I didn't want something too out-there, but I did want my glasses to be fun and funky. The shape of the glasses is semi-unique, but what I really like about the glasses design is that there is a gap between the lenses and the frames on the sides. I have never seen another pair like this, which I love. The glasses make anything I wear look kind of "alternative" - a plus for me, since I don't like to look like everyone else.
♥ They are versatile. For me, since I planned to wear these every day, I needed glasses that would look good with anything I wear. Because they are a nice, neutral color and not too wild, I can wear them anywhere and everywhere, and they don't restrict my clothing choices in any way.
Alright, so what can you learn from my little glasses bio? I'm hoping that it will give you an idea of how to go about searching for your perfect frames. For example, here's a good way to begin:
♥ Before you hit the stores, think about what you want from your glasses. What styles do you like? Observe people and do some internet research to decide. Do you want to wear your glasses for a long time? If so, it might be safer to look for pairs that are relatively simple, so that you don't have to worry about them going out of style. How much do you want to pay? Give yourself a price limit ahead of time. Write a list of the things that are important to you.
♥ Now it's time to shop! Head to the stores, list in hand, and try on some frames that meet your criteria. Pay attention to what looks good (it may be a good idea to bring a friend for a second opinion.) You may need to make some compromises in the name of flattering your face (in the way that I had to forgo the chunky black frames), or you may decide that you like a style enough that you don't care how it looks on you.
♥ It's best to look through several glasses stores before making a decision. Because each store boasts different stock and different sales people, you may find that your taste has changed over a couple of days of shopping. This happened to me when I bought my first pair of frames; after a few days, I went back to the first store I had gone into, and was shocked to find that a pair I had been lusting after was no longer enticing to me. Go figure! It's safest to give yourself some time.
♥ Think you've found your miracle glasses? Have you given it a few days, and they still give you that shivery "I've-found-the-One" feeling? Buy 'em! Then stare at yourself in the mirror for hours, try your new glasses on with all sorts of different hairstyles, and go out to show off your hot new look! Stylin' glasses are fun - so have fun with them!
Here are some girls looking amazing in glasses, just in case you need inspiration.

Fierce! Big frames, small frames, candy colors, neutral colors, chunky, thin, nerdy, cool - they all look amazing! The lesson? Any style of frames can be super-stylish and pretty, as long as they are right for you!
Don't need the glasses but still crave the look? Forever 21 is currently selling two pairs with clear lenses (1, 2), as is Urban Outfitters (they are called readers but have no magnification.)
Do you wear glasses? What do you think of them?