Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hello, grasshoppers!

I'm thrilled and bewildered over the fact that the number of readers subscribing to my feed has jumped from 12 to 55 in less than two days. So if you are a new subscriber, thanks dearie!

Anyway, I'm a little curious about this new development. No complaints, of course, but I haven't noticed any new links lately, or even a huge rise in the number of hits. So why the sudden feed-subscribing madness? If anyone knows, please tell me!



WendyB said...

I don't understand any of this either!

Ali said...

I don't know about everyone else, but I subscribed because I have only just discovered Google Reader so I've been madly subscribing to every blog I've ever read... oh how I love Google Reader!
Oh and I discovered it because Gala Darling from iCiNG has been mentioning it, maybe that's started something? she sure is influential!